Society for Dance Research
Choreographic Forum
Open to students, researchers, artists and practitioners
The Choreographic Forum is a new initiative aiming to support an exchange of thoughts on current dance and choreography. It is set up as a series of roundtable discussions, during which we reflect on a performance that we have watched together, in a theatre or elsewhere in London. We meet four times a year, and each session begins with two short statements by two invited speakers who then lead the discussion.
Session I:
Lizzi Kew-Ross: Without Warning
Joint viewings:
Wed 1 Feb, 6.30pm & Sun 5 Feb 2012, 2.00pm
The Old Vic Tunnels, Station Approach Rd, London, SE1 8SW
Discussion forum:
Wed 8 February 2012, 6.00-8.30pm
The Old Vic Tunnels Reading Room
Invited speakers: Mary Ann Hushiak (dramaturg) and
Dr Jonathan Clark (Head of Research TrinityLaban)
Free for SDR members
£7 full price / £5 concessions (students/freelance)
[SDR membership costs £30 / £26 concessions]
To sign up for our session and/or to be included in our email list, email:
Please let us know if you have any suggestions about future performances you would be interested in watching and discussing.
The 2012 series is curated by Efrosini Protopapa, Lise Uytterhoeven & Antje Hildebrandt.
* Participants should book their own tickets online or by ringing The Old Vic Tunnels Box Office under 0844 871 7628 [Tickets are £15 full price / £12 concessions]